What To Do With Succulents  With Long Stems


Off-white Section Separator

Oh, succulents we do love you but why do your stems grow long? We will explain to you why it happens and what you can do about it!

Off-white Section Separator

Some succulents naturally grow leggy over time & need to be cut back. Others stay in a more compact rosette form & rarely need cutting back.

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Another reason why they may be growing leggy is because they are searching for the sun/light. 

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Lastly, the light they are growing in is too low and may benefit from finding new location to grow in. 

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Once a succulent stem gets bare the leaves won’t grow back on it. You need to cut it back and propagate by stem cuttings. 

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After cutting the succulent you want to callus over before replanting. Think of this as a wound healing over; otherwise the cuttings could rot.

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I like to let my repotted succulent settle in for 3 days before watering. This is something I learned early on & it’s always worked well for me.


More On  Succulent Care

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