A Guide To Indoor Plant Care For Beginners


We love houseplants and the happiness they bring into our homes. In order to keep them alive and growing, there are fundamental things you should know.

Successful plant care starts with the right plant in the right place. Start with a tried and true easy-care plant.

If you’re planting directly into a pot like a grow pot or terra cotta pot, you’ll want to purchase ones with drainage holes.

Light exposure is very important when it comes to a plant’s growth and survival. Too much or not enough light can eventually lead to its demise.

It can be tricky when you’re a beginner to find the balance between too much water and not enough. Overwatering is the likely culprit for most indoor plants not making it.

Which houseplant is right for you? Download our guide to find out!

Fertilizing indoor plants keeps them healthy and helps them to grow strong. Just like anything, too much can be a bad thing so don’t fertilize too often and/or use more than the recommended amount.

Sometimes your plants need a little bit of extra care that requires some cleaning. It’s a good idea to wipe off and/or spray the leaves because they can get dusty.

Use link below for full guide on Indoor Plant Care

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