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Watering Bromeliads

Bromeliads are easy to care for both indoors and out. Even though these pineapple relatives are native to the tropics and subtropics, they tolerate dry air and growing mix just fine.

Just know that it’s much better to keep them on the dry side rather than consistently wet – rot will be their demise faster than you can say “aechmea fasciata“!

Misting is a great way to increase humidity.

In a nutshell, I water my bromeliads every month. I run water through the planting medium, whether it be moss or bark, & let it all run out the drain holes

After 1-3 flushes, I put a couple of tablespoons of water in the urn. I let the water run over the leaves for 10 seconds or so. It cleans the foliage, & boosts the moisture.

The urn (cup, tank or vase) gets thoroughly flushed out. This is the core of the bromeliad & is how the plant stores water in nature.

More On Bromeliad Care

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