Problems & solutions for growing aloe vera indoors 


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01 Your Aloe Vera isn’t getting enough light

02 Your Aloe Vera is getting too much water

03 Your Aloe Vera is planted in the wrong soil mix.


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04 Your Aloe Vera is located in a hot window.

05 The Aloe Vera plant was stressed when you bought it.

Solution: Light

Aloe vera needs bright, natural light, it isn’t a low light houseplant. Put your aloe vera near a sunny window. Rotating your plant every 2-3 months will make sure it’s receiving light evenly on all sides and not permanently leaning towards the light source.

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Solution: Water

Aloe vera has fat, plump leaves that store water as well as the thick roots. Water your Aloe vera when it’s about 3/4 of the way dry. Make sure the pot your Aloe vera is growing in has drain holes so the water can flow out. Another thing to be mindful of is that it doesn’t sit in a saucer full of water.

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Solution: Soil

An Aloe vera plant prefers a mix that’s light, well aerated and drains well. To replant your Aloe vera. It does best in succulent and cactus mix. A mix of coco chips, coco peat, pumice, vermiculite, agricultural lime, and azomite is a DIY mix you can make at home. 

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Solution: Placement

Even though most succulents like medium to high light when growing indoors, being up against hot glass will burn the leaves. Because of all the liquid in the leaves, they’re prone to sunburn. Move your plant out of or away from the hot, sunny window.  In a south or west exposure is fine, just not in the window.

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Solution: Stress

Being kept too dry, too wet, or not getting enough light weakens a plant over time. If it’s been stressed for too long (which can happen sooner than you’d think), it may not recover. When buying choose a healthy plant. If the leaves are yellow, have brown spots and/or are bending, pass it by.

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