29 Beautiful Plants That Attract Butterflies


If you want butterflies in your garden, then plant choice is key. There are blooming plants that attract them for food (nectar), and some serve as host plants (where they lay their eggs) also.

Do a little research and see what plants do well in your climate. This list will include perennials, annuals, shrubs, and vines.

A beautiful daisy-like flower, the Zinnia can be pink, yellow, red, white, green, or bi-color. Butterflies love this one!

That pop of pizzaz from these bright orange flowers adds a cheery note to any garden. This bright, vibrant plant also comes in yellow and red.

There are a few lower-growing Phlox but most are tall and lovely. These make a good background filler for the border.

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Cone Flower recognizable for its petals that droop downward. It’s been one of the must-haves for a pollinator garden for years.

When all the other flowers are getting tired of non-stop blooming in mid to late summer, Asters come through and last into fall.

I’ve grown bougainvillea for years now, and when it’s in full bloom, it’s a riot of color so now wonder butterflies love it!

Yarrow is a popular cottage garden perennial that has fern-leafed foliage in shades of medium green as well as grey-green.

Find out the remaining plants that attract butterflies below

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