Answering Your FAQs About Flowering Kalanchoes

We get quite a few questions about growing and caring for a Kalanchoe blossfeldiana. Hopefully, you’ll find the answers to be helpful!

Can Kalanchoe take full sun?  Yes, as long as it’s not direct hot sun. They do best in bright light with indirect sun.

Is a Kalanchoe indoor or outdoor? They’re generally sold as flowering houseplants but will grow outdoors in flower beds and containers if the conditions suit them.

How often do you water Kalanchoe plants? It’s hard to give you a set schedule. These are succulent plants that store water in their leaves, stems, and roots. They’re prone to root rot if you water them too often.

Which houseplant is right for you? Download our guide to find out!

How do I dead head my Kalanchoe? How do I prune a Kalanchoe blossfeldiana? The stems of a Kalanchoe blossfeldiana are soft, so you can pinch the stems off with the dead flowers using your fingernails (if you have them!).

Are Kalanchoe blossfeldiana poisonous to cats? They’re considered to be toxic to cats and dogs according to the ASPCA.

Use link below for full guide on Flowering Kalanchoes Q& A

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