Alocasia Polly Care & Growing Guide

I must say, with its magnificent foliage, African Mask Plants steals the show. It’s a stunning indoor plant.

This plant not only loves humidity but warm temps too. It's growth rate is moderate if all conditions are to its liking.

It goes through a period of dormancy, usually in the fall or winter months. The foliage completely (or almost completely) dies back and then comes back in spring.

Like many other houseplants, the African Mask Plant needs bright, indirect light. This would be medium or moderate light.

I never let mine completely dry out. As a general rule, I let the soil mix dry out 3/4 of the way before watering again.

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A lack of humidity makes this beauty tricky to grow. . A moderate to a high level of humidity is key to African Mask Plant care.

The potting mix needs to be aerated and well-draining. My recipe is a combo of 1/3 coco chips, 1/3 pumice (perlite is fine too if that’s what you have), and 1/3 potting soil.

Use link below for full guide on Alocasia Polly

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